Birds flying high

talk between three generations with Christopher Rüping and drumming concert by Matze Prölloch

In his Möwe, director Christopher Rüping examines the question of why generational conflicts have become so entrenched today. Reason enough for a three-generation talk about the extent to which theater can heal the conflict. In addition to the director, we have invited two guests: The photographer Herlinde Koelbl has portrayed Angela Merkel, among others, over a period of 30 years in her well-known long-term series Traces of Power. She is an expert on metamorphoses, changes and the influence of social norms on the body. The performer Rabea Lüthi is known for her leading role in the film Sami, Joe und ich [2020], which follows young people in the Zurich Agglo as they grow up, and the work for the queer-feminist performance collective Henrike Iglesias. They questions the way social identities influence theatrical experiences and can report on defensive struggles in the film and theater business.

Together, these artists will discuss a question that has repeatedly preoccupied Schauspielhaus Zürich in recent years: How can the theater become and remain a meeting place for different audiences and generations?

Birds Flying High
Discussion with Herlinde Koelbl, Rabea Lüthi and Christopher Rüping

Last show: Die Möwe

Birds Flying Higher
Concert with Matze Pröllochs on the drums

  • 11 May 2024, Pfauen-Foyer und Pfauen

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